Sunday, September 9, 2007

US Airways frequent flier service rated poor

I always believed that US Airways would treat its Frequent Fliers with some respect, in fact coddle us. Don't believe it.

After holding for 10 minutes on my first call to the Frequent Flier telephone number, I got an extremely broken-English Filipino woman. I couldn't understand her and became concerned when we got to booking flight numbers. She was having trouble discerning the date I wanted to travel, the twenty-second as opposed to the twenty-seventh. Even when I spoke slowly and clearly, she couldn't understand. Nor could I understand her.

I stopped the transaction, and explained that I couldn't understand her. I asked for another agent who spoke better English.

She immediately responded to my request by hanging up on me. Nice woman. Nice service.

My next call got another broken-English speaker with whom I had to argue to get to a supervisor. When I got the supervisor, I complained about the woman hanging up on me, and the supervisor wanted her name. Who keeps track of names of people answering 800 phone numbers? Without that, nothing could happen. No apology. Nothing.

At the end of booking the flight she wanted to charge me $10 for the pleasure of talking to her on the phone. I told her to forget the booking and that I would go elsewhere.

Because US Airways feels no loyalty to me, I feel no loyalty to the airline, on which I have flown for a long time. Is their any question why travelers like me will bolt to the nearest, cheapest airline seats? US Airways loyalty doesn't exist. US Airways service is extremely poor.

I suggest that US Airways sell its seats to Filipinos, or that we pay in Pesos.

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